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Wind farm scrapped over fears for birds

"Docking Shoal scheme shelved and £10m wasted on the £1.5bn wind power project that could have powered 400,000 homes"


It's time environmental health and public health were governed as one

"Charles Dickens and Charles Darwin knew how closely the two were linked, and politicians now have a chance to catch up"


Higgs boson: it's unofficial! Cern scientists discover missing particle

"'God particle' that gives mass to the universe thought to have been found in Large Hadron Collider, announce scientists"

Category: Big Science


Higgs boson discovery: now the real work begins

"Scientists at Cern are confident they have found the 'God particle', but months and years of analysis lie ahead"

Category: Big Science


Monbiot says he was wrong on peak oil but the crisis is undeniable

"Jeremy Leggett: Many within the fossil fuel industry are sounding alarms. Society ignores such warnings - and listens to potential bubble-backers like Monbiot - at its peril"

Category: Energy sources

Displaying results 191 to 195 out of 2977